Thursday, June 17, 2010

Almost on the staircase and more thoughts...

Luckily, I was already at the birth center...waiting for another Mama who ended up never coming in. Got a call from a Dad saying his wife's water just broke and she sounds "serious", since this is baby #2, I say get on in here! The weather was wet and rainy and it was the middle of the night. I meet them in the parking lot, wet all around us...the rain was crazy, and Mama says "the baby is here!" as we walk up the steps, I 'o-so subtly' reach behind her and 'goose' her while feeling for a little baby head...not quite yet, but there is the tell-tale bulge. Barely making it to the birth room, pants off to reveal a lovely crown, Dad says "she wants a water birth" and I say we don't really have time to climb in the pool...and then the babe is born into her Daddy's (with a little back-up from me) waiting hands. So great!

So, when I am blessed to be present at a birth such as this one, I have absolutely no problem giving all the glory to the Mama. I am constantly awed by the tremendous power of women as they work to bring forth these new lives. My ego really has nothing to do with it....they are the wondrous ones. Then, why is it, that when a Mama has a really difficult path and maybe needs to go to the hospital....that I feel such ownership of the process? When the outcome is not ideal, I have a very tough time getting my ego out of the way. Is this normal...will it eventually become easier to remove my ego from all situations? However, is that the proper goal? I guess I come back around tot he original thought....what is the balance point for being present and supportive while maintaining my own self?....

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