This life is not for the faint of heart that is for sure! Here are some examples of issues often not talked about....
My low beam headlights are out, they have been out. I have been driving at night with the high beams. When will I be able to make it to a garage to have them fixed? Good question!
My oil needs to be changed, see above....
My daughter had her first day of third grade last week, I was not able to drop her off or pick her up. Daddy and Grandma were there, but I was not.
I think I have friends...somewhere out there in the regular world. It has just been a while since we have seen each other.
At my birth center, we have to fight everyday to stay open. Insurance companies don't want to pay us, hospitals are threatened by us and can make life very difficult. The relevant government agencies don't support us and seem to actually hurt us.
My bank account is sad. I make significantly less money than my peers who work at hospitals and don't even get me started on student loan debt.
I wish that I could serve more women and that getting paid didn't matter, but it does. I have a family to support as well.
And yet, to me I have the best "job" possible. I don't want to whine too much, after all, I made a very conscious decision to follow this path and answer this calling. I believe that there are much more important things in life than wealth, however, that does not mean that the struggle doesn't get exhausting sometimes. Why should supporting women and their families be so hard?.....
Midwives are a great option to fall back on. It is hard for new mothers to take care of new born babes on their own. Thanks for sharing! This is great to keep in mind.