This blog is an attempt to chronicle my journey as a midwife. I started blogging in my first year of practice, back in 2010. After that first year, I decided to keep on going. It is my goal for this to be a place of support and encouragemant for others on this path. Whenever I relay birth stories, please, keep in mind that all names and identifying details have been altered. I hope you can enjoy these experiences and that they may be beneficial to your learning.
So, I couldn't resist. I am a graduate of Frontier Nursing University, however, when I attended it was still called Frontier School for Midwifery and Family Nursing. Part of the program is to attend Clinical Bound, it is the final step before starting clinicals. On the last night, this was played for us, to give inspiration and support. I watch it every so often to remind myself of these things and thought I would share it here as well. Blessings!