Saturday, August 31, 2013

Why Fight?

Sitting down to write this at the end of this week, I am exhausted.  Physically and emotionally exhausted.  I did not catch one baby or attend one woman in labor.  Yet, this week has left me drained and close to the edge.  Whether you may want it to be or not, whether you are aware of it or not being a midwife in this country is a political act.  In some ways, you must always be on guard.  Tonight, I am in a space of negativity and frustration mixed with triumph and pride.  I am hoping that writing about these things will help to alleviate my negativity.

I do not want to, nor should I go into details.  In brief, my birth center was the target of a "complaint" by a local hospital.  As a result, we were investigated.  Eventually, we were cleared of any wrong doing.  I was put on the hot seat for multiple hours on two different days, defending and explaining what we do at the center.  I feel triumphant that we eventually prevailed and proud of all my co-workers who supported me through the process.  I am also proud of myself and how I handled the pressure.  I am frustrated and angry that this process even had to happen.  It serves as a reminder that our struggle is far from over.  Midwifery is still under threat in our country.  ALL midwifery, not just homebirth midwives, but all midwives.  Why must we fight?  Why did I sit and endure this process?  Because the women and babies need us, we must fight for them.  We must never get complacent and become too comfortable. We must always fight the fight and stand up for women. Going to the birth center everyday is part of my resistance.  The hours that I put in, both at the sides of women and behind a desk, are my contribution.  I will continue to do my work and be on the front lines of this struggle. 

How do you fight this fight?....


  1. Hugs, Aubre! You are an inspiration for me and so many others. Don't know the situation but glad that it has worked out.

  2. I can't imagine all you were faced with but applaud you for defending the actions the birth center took. You should feel very proud! I sure hope you're able to do something nice for yourself to help recover from all that you were put through.

  3. Thanks Ladies! I was in need of a big virtual hug!

  4. I love you and all that you do SO MUCH!!! You are truly an inspiration to me. I too am fighting the fight. In a different way and from a different place, but it is the same fight. I'm afraid I don't do enough for them. It is an uphill battle. Women's rights. Children's rights. All marginalized in this society. As you do too, I'm sure, I fight the fight with tears in my eyes of both happiness and sorrow, and the same in my heart. It takes a woman to help women. ~Elspeth

    1. Elspeth, so much love to you. Your words brought tears to my eyes. Tears of gratitude and warmth. You are absolutely fighting the fight and the women are blessed to have you!

  5. Thanks for doing what you do! What do I do to fight this fight? I am getting ready to have my second home birth and I tell anyone who asks about my birth story that natural birth attended by a midwife was the most powerful experience of my life.

  6. Pam-you're welcome! And congrats on both your upcoming birth and your previous birth. There are a couple ways to start getting involved...look into your local birth community; ask your midwife about events and ways to get involved locally. Check out the group Improving Birth for news and advocacy on a national level. And thanks for the support!
