Whew, two sweet squishy babes early this morning. One girl and one boy...and a nice way to get out of the land of negative....
But my mind does still wander, this time to the babes. How do we welcome our new generation to this earth? I can't hope but believe that when newborns are welcomed in love, respect, beauty and strength, it leaves an impression. That they are starting off on the "right" foot. Clearly, empowered birth will not change all of the world's woes....but it could go along way toward starting. Ensuring empowered birth is much more than fostering the few months of pregnancy, the hours involved in the birth and the postpartum time. Empowered birth requires that young boys and girls are nurtured and grown in environments that honor and respect thier bodies and that has they grow to young men and women they respect each other. That girls are raised hearing strong, positive stories about the power and wisdom of thier bodies. An environment that honors birth, is one that honors women and children...and when we honor women and children we honor all life. And that! is a start toward ending the woes of the world!
Ok, so there is one of my 'waxing philosphic' moments. I guess that is what sweet squishy babies do to me.....
This blog is an attempt to chronicle my journey as a midwife. I started blogging in my first year of practice, back in 2010. After that first year, I decided to keep on going. It is my goal for this to be a place of support and encouragemant for others on this path. Whenever I relay birth stories, please, keep in mind that all names and identifying details have been altered. I hope you can enjoy these experiences and that they may be beneficial to your learning.
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