Tuesday, December 14, 2010

the 2X4 of birth humility....

Wake up call at 5am, two Mama's at the center, both first time Mama's whose water had broken in the night....Little did I know that I was destined to be hit over the head with the cosmic 2X4 of birth humility by one of these sweet ladies....

Molly is a lady that I had really liked during prenatal visits. She had come in at around 5am because her water had broken and she was GBS positive, so she needed some IV antibiotics. Her labor started after her water broke. My midwife sister had checked her cervix and found it be 1cm dilated and described it as pretty tight. Molly was having a very difficult time working with her contractions, which were about 1-2 minutes apart and lasted for about 30-45 seconds. This pattern is usually not very effective, difficult to work with and often associated with some dehydration. Molly was having a hard time drinking and had thrown up, so since she already had an IV for her antibiotics, I gave her some fluids. Additionally, even though she was so early in labor, we put her in the pool to try and calm things down and give her a break. These interventions did very little to give her any relief. Three hours after her first cervical exam, Molly was working very hard and requested another cervical exam. I was worried that she would not be very much more dilated and that would really disappoint her and I didn't want her to get discouraged. We talked about it, but Molly really wanted me to check her, so I agreed. I placed my fingers in her vagina and....bonk!...baby head with just a little rim of cervix!! So, wham-o...the back of the head hit with the cosmic 2X4...silly, silly midwife!...never assume anything about birth! A tiny bit later and Molly started pushing, 31 minutes later and she had a gorgeous 9#1oz. baby boy in her arms!!!

Molly had been amazing and unlike some Mama's who have fast labors and then have a hard time afterwards, she was just so elated and very quickly had a little happy nurser snuggled up in bed with her.....


  1. Reminds me of a hospital induction mama I doula'd who went from hard and closed to pushing in only 5 hours. It was the easiest birth I've seen yet!
