A little over a month ago I was approached by a great new organization, Future Midwives of America. It is great resource that is dedicated to helping students on the path of midwifery. I am grateful that it is also a place that discusses both CNM and CPM as valid paths without trashing one or the other. They asked if I would be willing to be interviewed for the website. I was floored...someone wanted to interview me?!? I said "sure" and then quickly became pretty nervous about the whole thing. Luckily, by the time the interview was scheduled I had been able to calm my shaky nerves. All in all, I think it went well, please check it out if you get a chance. And then take some time to check out the rest of the website.
This blog is an attempt to chronicle my journey as a midwife. I started blogging in my first year of practice, back in 2010. After that first year, I decided to keep on going. It is my goal for this to be a place of support and encouragemant for others on this path. Whenever I relay birth stories, please, keep in mind that all names and identifying details have been altered. I hope you can enjoy these experiences and that they may be beneficial to your learning.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Tools Of My Trade #14
My Home Bookshelf
Book learning is indeed important, and is often how a woman begins on the path. For me, it was Spiritual Midwifery that started the spark. I have always been a devout book lover, so collecting them was nothing new. I am always on the look out for a new addition to my collection. As much as books have to offer, they are only part of the equation. Through book learning we build the foundation but the most crucial skills and knowledge cannot be found within their pages. By far the most important teachers are the women themselves; both the mothers and our teachers. It is with them that we discover the authentic voice that is midwifery. This does not diminish the importance of our beloved books as every practitioner requires a solid foundation upon which to build.
What books have been most instrumental for you on your journey?
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Not One
Claire had been woken up, the morning she turned 37 weeks, by the sensation of her water breaking. The fluid was clear and the baby was moving well. At the beginning of her pregnancy she had tested positive for GBS (group beta strep) in her urine, so she and her husband came in for an evaluation and a dose of IV antibiotics. When they arrived, Claire was not yet having contractions. Everything checked out good; her waters had definitely ruptured, the fluid was clear, baby and Mama were both doing great. I started an IV and gave her a dose of penicillin. Since she was not yet in labor I did not do a vaginal exam. Claire and her husband then went back home to have some breakfast. Four hours later, they returned to the birth center. Again, everything checked out good and I gave Claire her next dose of antibiotics. Because she was GBS positive, we talked about encouraging her labor to start. Claire and her husband both agreed that they would like to get proactive. I sent them home again, this time with some herbs. I did not do a vaginal exam.
Another four hours passed, Claire and her husband returned, and they were joined by their 5 year old son and Claire's mother. It was obvious that things had shifted and Claire was starting to labor. She was in that sweet foggy stage of early labor, when women seem to be floating above the world, mildly aware of what is going on around them. I gave her the next dose of medicine and we all settled in. In a short time Claire shifted again, moving into the active phase of labor. It was lovely to watch. She was supported wonderfully by her family and she easily let go to the process. She moved well, walking around with the contractions and swaying with her husband. Eventually, she asked to get in the birth pool. Very shortly after sinking down into the water she began grunting at the top of her contractions and then proceeded to birth her sweet 7lb 2oz. baby boy into the world.
And all of this without one single vaginal exam! Of course, I think that is awesome. A couple hours after the birth, Claire and I were talking about it. She asked why I never did one and I told her that besides the fact that her waters were ruptured, I didn't need to do one. It was clear that her labor was progressing and I did not want to disrupt the flow of that progress. Claire said that during her labor, she briefly wondered why I wasn't checking her cervix but then reasoned that I knew what I was doing and let the thought pass. It is important to remember that there are so many ways, other than a vaginal exam, to assess labor progression. Sharp eyes, clear ears and an open heart are just as valuable. What are some of those other signs to watch for as a woman labors?
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